University Writing Center Logo

The Writing Center offer ONLY REMOTE APPOINTMENTS on Wednesday, Sept. 18. If you schedule an in-person appointment, the Director will change it to live video and email you about the update. 

Writing Center Fall 2024 Schedules

Opens Monday, August 26

James F. Byrnes Building, Room 703

901 Sumter St.

Corner of Sumter & College, directly across from the Horseshoe

Same building as the Apple Store


In-Person & Remote (Live Video & Doc Drop)

Monday - Thursday, 10 AM - 3 PM

Remote Only (Live Video & Doc Drop)

Monday - Thursday, 6 PM - 9 PM

Friday, 12 PM - 3 PM

Closed weekends and all university holidays

JANUARY 05, 2023

Directions for Making & Attending Appointments

LIVE VIDEO tutoring: You meet with your tutor online, using visual and/or audio technology.

 Making Your Appointment

  1. Use the space to the left to log into the Writing Center’s online scheduling service.
  2. Once the scheduling page appears, click the WHITE BOX (or the available appointment time) that best fits your availability.
  3. A new window titled “Create New Appointment” will pop up, which lets you schedule the length of your appointment (30 minutes or 60 minutes).
  4. In the “Meet Online” box, you will see one or two options: LIVE VIDEO and ASYNCHRONOUS TEXT-BASED. Some tutors offer only asynchronous text-based appointments (where you are not conferencing in real-time) so check out available tutors for video-conferencing.
  5. For a video tutoring appointment (synchronous, where you communicate in real-time), click “Yes. Schedule LIVE VIDEO Appointment.”.
  6. Fill out the remaining sections of the appointment form, including uploading your work. To upload your work, scroll to the bottom of appointment page and attach the files related to the work you want to review (i.e. assignment prompts, outlines, drafts, etc.). All files must be Word files (i.e., .doc or .docx files).
  7. Click “Create Appointment.” The online appointment is now scheduled!

Logging in for your appointment

Five minutes before your session:

  1. Log into WCOnline.
  2. Click on your appointment to pull up the appointment form.
  3. In the “Meeting Online?” box, click on the hyperlink that says: “Start or Join a LIVE VIDEO Consultation.”
  4. You’re ready for your appointment! The tutor will meet you when the appointment starts. You will receive a client report form summarizing the session and next steps by the end of the tutor's shift.

ASYNCHRONOUS TEXT-BASED tutoring: Your tutor reads your work and makes comments electronically while the client is doing other things.

Making your appointment

  1. Use the space to the left to log-in to the Writing Center’s online scheduling service.
  2. Once the scheduling page appears, click the WHITE BOX (or the available appointment time) that best fits your availability.
  3. A new window titled “Create New Appointment” will pop up. In this new appointment form, schedule the length of your appointment (30 minutes or 60 minutes). In the box that says, “Meet Online,” you will see one or two options: eTutoring and Online. Pick a tutor who offers asynchronous text-based sessions. 
  4. For a text-based appointment, where you upload a draft for tutor comments rather than communicating with your tutor in real time, click “Yes. Schedule an ASYNCHRONOUS TEXT-BASED Appointment.”
  5. Fill out the remaining sections of the appointment form, including the work you want reviewed.
  6. Fill out the remaining sections of the appointment form, including uploading your work. To upload your work, scroll to the bottom of appointment page and attach the files related to the work you want to review (i.e. assignment prompts, outlines, drafts, etc.). All files must be Word files (i.e., .doc or .docx files).
  7. Click “Create Appointment.” The online appointment is now scheduled!

During and after your session:

  1.  Before the start of asynchronous text-based sessions, you must attach the document you want a tutor to review, along with the assignment or directions. We accept only Word (.doc or .docx) documents. All other format files are not allowed. 
  2. The tutor will then read and comment on the file using the comment feature in Word during the appointment time. You will receive the document and a client report form via email shortly after the appointment has concluded.

Fall and Spring ONLY

IN-PERSON Tutoring: You will meet with a tutor in 703 Byrnes. Byrnes is the building across from the Horseshoe on the corner of Sumter & College and is the same building with the iHub Apple Store. Enter on the College Street side of the building & take the elevator to the 7th floor. 

Making Your Appointment

  1. Use the space to the left to log into the Writing Center’s online scheduling service.
  2. Once the scheduling page appears, click the WHITE BOX (or the available appointment time) that best fits your availability.
  3. A new window titled “Create New Appointment” will pop up, which lets you schedule the length of your appointment (30 minutes or 60 minutes).
  4. In the “Meet Online” box, you will see up to three options: Face-to-Face, LIVE VIDEO, and ASYNCHRONOUS TEXT-BASED.
  5. For a face-to-face appointment, click “No. Schedule Face-to-Face Appointment.”.
  6. Fill out the remaining sections of the appointment form, including uploading your work. To upload your work, scroll to the bottom of appointment page and attach the files related to the work you want to review (i.e. assignment prompts, outlines, drafts, etc.). All files must be Word files (i.e., .doc or .docx files).
  7. Click “Create Appointment.” The in-person appointment is now scheduled!